Ocular Emergencies

Ocular emergencies of the eyes

Ocular emergencies can occur at any time. Trauma to the eye such as foreign objects, chemical burns or even retinal detachment can be extremely painful and can be a threat to the long term functioning of the eye.

Closed Angle Glaucoma

Retinal Detachment

Orbital Fractures

Chemical Burns


Closed Angle Glaucoma


  • pain
  • halos around lights
  • vision loss usually peripheral
  • nausea
  • red eye
  • mid-dilated fixed pupil

Retinal Detachment


  • flashes of light
  • “curtain” vision loss

See a Doctor ASAP

Orbital Fractures


  • diplopia/double vision
  • impairment of eye movement
  • eye disposition

See a Doctor ASAP

Chemical Burns

EMERGENCY: Every minute counts!

  • Alkali: irrigate for 30 minutes with forced open lids.
  • Acid: Irrigate for 15 minutes.


CRAO (Central Retinal Artery Occlusion)

Symptoms: Sudden onset of severe monocular vision loss over seconds.

Cause: Ischemia due to emboli

Massage eyeball and breathe into paper bag. This aids to dislodge emboli while on your way to doctor.


Common Symptoms

We often dismiss common symptoms that we experience on a day to day basis. Migraines, twitching eyelids, tearing eyes and redness are just some of the common things experienced regularly by so many people.

Eye Disorders

The leading causes of blindness and low vision are primarily age-related eye diseases. Cataracts, Glaucoma and Astigmatism are just a few of these disorders that many patients suffer from. Other common eye disorders include amblyopia and strabismus.

Systemic Diseases and the Eyes

An ocular manifestation of a systemic disease is an eye condition that directly or indirectly results from a disease process in another part of the body. There are many diseases known to cause ocular or visual changes.

Come see us for an in-depth eye examination

Only the best equipment is used during consultations with outstanding personal attention to detail.